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Semitel TVS


瞬态电压抑制器(Transient Voltage Suppressor)简称TVS,是一种二极管形式的高效能保护器件。当TVS二极管的两极受到反向瞬态高能量冲击时,它能以10-12秒量级的速度,将其两极间的高阻抗变为低阻抗,吸收高达数千瓦的浪涌功率,使两极间的电压箝位于一个预定值,有效地保护电子线路中的精密元器件,免受各种浪涌脉冲的损坏。由于它具有响应时间快、瞬态功率大、漏电流低、击穿电压偏差小、箝位电压较易控制、无损坏极限、体积小等优点。


Semitel Electronics are committed to providing today's electronics customers with a rapidly growing portfolio of Nano polymer and ceramic composite material technology and analog components used in LCD display, handset, telecommunications, networking systems, computation, automotive, industrial and consumer markets.

Our products lines include Chip Fuse, Polymer/Ceramic ESD protectors, MOSFET, Sidactor/Thyristor, Bridge/Rectifier, and PPTC/CPTC components. And they are widely used in many applications such as, LCD displays, cellular phones, VOIP, network cards, digital satellite box receivers and set-top boxes etc.

Focusing on the material technology and semiconductor technology, Semitel is aiming at offering our customers with the high-performance and low-cost requirement solutions for success in today's electronics markets.




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