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ITC 靜電抑制元件

ITC, a recognized leader in the Multilayer varistor OEM & ODM products industry, is at the forefront of
technology, design, manufacturing and supply.

ITC enjoys significant competitive advantages including the benefit of global manufacturing and distribution provided by 50 manufacturing facilities in 2 countries.This assures customers of the most efficient balance of demand and production capability in response to their just-in-time inventory requirements. With research and
development centers in 2 locations (United States, Taiwan ), ITC has fostered customer relationships involving the design and technology for new and advanced products to fulfill their special product requirements.

We serve a broad range of  markets including:  telecommunications, data processing, automotive,  consumer,  and  medical  sectors.  The  telecommunication  and  data processing  sectors  have  traditionally  been  our  most  significant  markets. Breakthroughs  in consumer  electronics  (MP3 Players,  digital  cameras,  digital  TV's and recordable DVD's) have provided increased demand in this sector.

ITC  industries  manufactures  hundreds  of  products  through  its  two  electrical  products divisions.  Headquartered  in  USA,  ITC has  annual  revenues  of  approximately US$  85 million,  employs  approximately 350 people  and operates  more  than  50 manufacturing facilities in Taiwan & USA .




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